DOpus query

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   New for Magellan II

  The  dopus query  command complements the  dopus set  command, allows you
to read various Opus settings such as; backgrounds, fonts, palette, pens, and

  For instance, while running your script you might want to change the
background of the lister to a picture displaying your name, you can find
out what the current background is, change it with dopus set then restore
it when the script exits.


 /* DopusQuery.dopus5 */ 
options results
lf = '0a'x
address 'DOPUS.1'
dopus front
dopus query font screen
text = 'Current Opus screen font:'||lf||word(result,1)||lf||'Size: 'word(result,2)
dopus request '"'text'" OK'
dopus query background lister
text = 'Current icon lister background: '||lf||word(result,1)||lf||'Options: 'subword(result,2)
dopus request '"'text'" OK'
dopus query sound Startup
text = 'Sound you hear when Opus starts:'||lf||word(result,1)||lf||'Volume: 'word(result,2)
dopus request '"'text'" OK'
dopus query pens gauge
text = 'Current fuel gauge colours when:'||lf||'Full: 'word(result,2)||lf||'Not full: 'word(result,1)
dopus request '"'text'" OK'
dopus back

DOpus PLUS - giving you that bit extra...